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How To Switch Google Drive Accounts

When you attempt to login with another account, it says the following:You can use multiple sign-in with these Google products:. Calendar. Code. Gmail.

Go to the Google Drive menu on your computer. Select Preferences (Mac) or Settings (Windows). Click the Disconnect account button. After you’ve disconnected, your files will remain on your computer, but any changes made to your Google Drive folder won’t be synced to your online Google Drive.

  1. After you have signed in to your default account, you can sign in to any other Google account and switch between them. Again, select your profile image from the top-right. On the menu, choose Add account. Use your credentials to sign in to the account you want to use.
  2. So the conclusion is: get account from 'onActivityResult'. Set account in 'setAccountName'. Keep your current account email around, so you can detect a new one (should user decide to switch) and reset Google Account Client if necessary.

Reader. Sites. Voice. Google products not listed above will default to the first account that you signed in to using your current web browser session.I guess this means that you must:.

Click the sign out link (which will sign out of all your accounts),. Sign in to the account you want to be the default one,. Sign in to all the other accounts.

Google are still working the kinks out of the multiple account sign-in process. There are links to help pages as well as a feedback form here:I've been using multiple sign-in feature for my Gmail and Google Apps accounts since they first unveiled it 6 months ago, and it's not bug-free yet. For example, if I log in to Gmail with my Apps account, which I want to act as the default account, and then visit a service like Youtube that doesn't support multiple sign-in and then log in with my 'default' account, I get the 'This service is not available' message. However if I instead try to log in to Youtube with my Gmail account, I'll get logged out of my Gmail for Apps session and logged into my other Gmail account.There's no clear schedule for when or if these other services (e.g Google Groups, Maps, YouTube, Picasa, etc) but you can vote for which ones you want most at.

When you first start the allow multiple sign-ins process, whichever account you are using, that will become your default account. So, if you want to change it, you need to switch off the multiple sign in function from each account, then start over from your preferred account.To switch it off, go to the settings button in the top right corner, then account settings.

How To Switch Google Drive To Another Account

You will see multiple sign-in = on with an edit button next to it. Hit edit then turn it off. Do this for each account. Then sign out of whichever account you are in and sign into the preferred one.Do the opposite to turn multi. Then add the other accounts by going through the settings button again.


A new feature of Syncdocs, is the ability to sync multiple Google Drive accounts at the same time. Previously you were limited to one account per sync, but Syncdocs now lets you sync many Google Drive accounts simultaneously. Why would I want multiple accounts simultaneously?You might want to keep your work Google Apps for Business and personal Google Drive or Google Docs accounts separate.If you are running a backup server, you might want to sync everyone on your Google Apps domain to the server, but keep their data synced to separate folders.Perhaps you are a web-designer or consultant and work with various different customers at the same time, and need to keep their data in sync.

How to setup multiple Google Drive account SyncingPreviously Syncdocs only let you sync one Google Drive or Google Docs account at a time. You could switch accounts, but not use both concurrently.To setup multiple accounts for Google Drive in Syncdocs, do the following.1. You’ll need Syncdocs version 1.23 or later. If you don’t have it, download and install the latest2.

In the Preferences - Account Tab there are two new buttons, marked “Make Shortcut” and “Use Now”3. Select the other account you want to use.4. “Use Now” button runs that other account concurrently when you press the button.5. “Make shortcut” button makes a shortcut. This shortcut runs the other account. The shortcut is put on your desktop, but you can move it where you want. The shortcut is shown below.

How to switch google drive accounts on pc

It is given the title of your gmail account (“syncdocs.test” in this case) so you can distinguish it.You’ll see a different colored shortcut icon on the taskbar for this other account.You can have as many accounts running concurrently as you wish. Things to watch out for with multiple accountsWatch out for confusion with multiple accounts running at the same time. Right click uploads are always the first accountThe context menu items that are shown when you right click on a file in Windows explorer (like “View in Google Docs” ) are linked to the first (main) instance of Syncdocs that is run. For example if you right click on a file and select “Share in Google Docs”, it will be shared from the first run Syncdocs account. Identifying Google accountsIf you hover your cursor over the secondary taskbar icons it will show you the account name, and the name is also shown at the top of the menu in blue:The name of the account is also shown at the top of the status menu.

Hi – I have my personal google account synced to my PC using Syncdocs. For a project I am working on I would also like to sync a different Google account. Although you say you can sync multiple accounts I have looked through your on-line help and can’t figure out how to populate the pull-down in Preferences – Account with more than my own personal gmail account. The screen shot in your “How to sync multiple Google drive accounts concurrently” is not even the same as the screen on the version I just downloaded; mine also has an “authenticate Syncdocs on Google” checkbox and a Re-authenticate button.

You start your Help with “Select the other account you want to use.” but this is clearly not the first step as I have only one account in the list to choose from.